Friday, May 05, 2006

Pine Ridge South Dakota

Here are some photos from the shoot i am on right now. Too much to write now, It is a lot to process in my brain. Check back for the update.


Lisa said...

i love the landscape - that is not what i would have expected. there is noooothing out there for miles it looks like.

Jill said...

I love the last picture. It got to me. But then again, most of your art does.

Anonymous said...

I like these... the b&w tone reminds me of some of your earlier work. speaking of which... I'd be really interested in hearing a about your transition in style from, say 7 or 10 years ago to now. It is interesting how you often still convey many of the same feelings, though your approach seems pretty different in certain ways to me. I guess I'm talking mostly about that segmented stuff where you're using multiple sheets of photo paper versus your straight color portraits. I used to really dig some of those fragmented shots I'd see in westword. Just curious... if you have any 'sleeping baby' time...