Monday, June 26, 2006

Pink Slip [ a.k.a. Jill ]

ok.. I am sorry for taking to post this and not actually update my blog. I will though. this was just too odd to pass up. I am sorry if it offends anyone in anyway. it is about 10 minutes long, and just odd. I dont know what else to say expect that I watched it a few times and still find myself saying,"what the..."


Anonymous said...

Wow....good for them for being so progressive and frank, but....

I can't believe they showed a used pad. Ew.

Juan Juanston said...

yes.. i was a little shocked as well.

Anonymous said...

Based on the amount of repetition in the script and the actors/actresses, my guess is that it's an old sex-ed film for students that are mentally challenged.

If that was the target audience, I'd say they did a pretty good job in writing and producing!
