Sunday, May 15, 2005


Originally uploaded by Juan Juanston.
So we are now back from Sayulita. It was a great trip. The best thing is we all made it back in one piece and no one got sick. It was a nice change from what i have been accustomed to for so long. The place was beautiful. It was a good mix of America and third world country. We did feel as if we were on Survivor staying at the hotel. It was a beautiful room with a view of the Ocean, nice patio, and all the wild life you could imagine. It was an open air room with a thatched roof, which meant that you would also share your room with many of the locals. We had a couple different varietys of lizzards, insects, and crabs. On our last night there we would also find our selves fighting for space with a very curageous raccoon. I really thought the girls were ready to pack it in after the first night, but they stuck it out and had a great time. Here is one of the photos from the trip.

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