Ok, so here are a few more from the Scarpa shoot. We still have a bunch more people to shoot, that will all happen in the next couple of weeks. I am trying to get caught up on everything else so that you have more to look at.. hang tight.. they will be up soon. I will also be sure to update with a few more details.. thanks for looking.

Were all of these portraits on-site or in a studio? They look like they're on-site, but the lighting is so consistent it makes me think it's all studio. Pretty amazing either way since I can't quite tell. Well done.
These were all shot at my studio. I have a lot of options there.. rusty walls, brick, lots of textures.. Most of the upcoming shots will be on location, but should have the same feel to them. we want them to look different but consistant. Thanks for checking in.. it may be a few days before i can update again.. but i wont forget this time..
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