So I have a shoot to go to in Pine Ridge South Dakota. It is on the Border of South Dakota and Nebraska. I will tell you more about that shoot in the next couple of days. So Scott and I decided to Drive to the shoot. It is about 6 hours from Denver. We looked at the map and noticed that Carhenge is on the way. It is basically Stonehenge but made out of old cars. I had heard about it before, but had never seen it. So we made our trek there. It was a good sight seeing trip. Lots of old abandoned places, old cars, even saw a good ol fashioned cowboy truck pull. That was really odd. Basically it is two guys and two trucks. They chain both trucks together then floor it. Whatever truck pulls ahead wins. It was very strange. Back to Carhenge. Carhenge is located in North Western Nebraska. I am not sure if there is really much else out there to see. We finally found it after a few wrong turns, and made it into the parking lot. I was a little disappointed at first. I thought it was going to be much more impressive. I did end up changing my mind though. It was actually really cool. Mainly because it is out in the middle of nowhere in Nebraska. We were the only ones there so that made it a little better as well. If you are ever near Alliance Nebraska you should make your way there. It was totally worth seeing